Rise with the Fire

by Starhawk, Reclaiming CD
And we can rise with the fire of freedom
Truth is the fire that burns our chains
And we can stop the fire of destruction
Healing is the fire running through our veins
And, speaking of fire, I feel like I have walked into one & come out on the other side!
This weekend was the 15th Annual Festival of the Goddess... work work work!! Between hauling stuff infrastructure to the middle of nowhere and setting it up to staying up WAY past my bedtime, then coming back 1st thing in the morning to do it all over again Saturday & Sunday, to the teardown & hauling & unloading of infrastructure... I am E X H A U S T E D. Oh, and Aphrodite had her followup appointment at the Exotics Vet today 7am, which is an hour from home, then almost another hour in the other direction to work. She loves her "Spa Days" tho! Look for pictures soon.

Speaking of pictures, I have been 90 to nothing for the last 2 weeks so I have yet to get pics to any of the peoples I've promised them to... if you are one of them, bear with me. They ARE out of the camera, just calling to me...can you hear them? Today is HEB+ for provisions to refill the house... have not bothered since we've spent so little time there. Sad when the only food in the house is for the menagerie rather than the people. After HEB+ will be pics... Tues is art night.

Speaking of peoples... Rebel has come home to stay. Seems the "on again off again" is now in the OFF position. I am not surprised. The difference in lifestyles, both economic & religious, was a tough chasm to bridge. The difference in schedules was not helpful either. Hard to make it work when one of you is a night owl and the other has 2 jobs & a full course load to study for. So is life... learning about yourself AND yourself in relation to others.

So, 3:30am comes WAY to early, I have found out. New work schedule for last week, this week & the next. Then back to normal, at least until the end of the next quarter. Yawn. The esbat is coming...26th I think, so planning will be this week. Sabbat on the 31st so planning for that needs to be soon, too. Yawn again. Art is this weekend, which will be nice. Had to miss last month's gathering as Artemis was let go that day after her vet gave us the bad news. Not much in the mood for art that day afterwards. But I miss the art gals. And they understood.

Much work to do.... BoS needs updating, 4 art projects are due before Samhain, laundry, bath day for the dragons/uros, groceries to shop for, bookcases to be moved (Rebel wants bedroom back!), dishes to be done... oh, and that doesn't even count the work AT work! Which I had best get to...



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