Meet Virginia

Lacking cohesive titles for each day's post, decided I would just use the song I woke up with playing in my head each day. Spent some time last night at our local Goodwill... got Bud an inside dog bed, and outside mattress for his crate, and lots of chew toys. Nothing like a teething puppy, I tell ya! Also, scored a "Shrinky Dink Oven" (brand new) for under $3!! Complete with shrink plastic, some key chains, etc. So exciting...can't even buy a sheet of full sized shrink plastic for less than that nowadays. So, I have some art to post here... working on an altered book for my Alabama Gal, can't post here til she gets it or it will ruin the surprise! But I have been working on some halloween jars... need to post a pic or two of those.

Saw K last night as we were heading home from Goodwill... gave ride back to apartment & chatted a bit... invited over for some social time Friday, which will be nice.

Lots of ppl here at work are ill...some stomach thing going around, it seems. Hope it skips me because I am already struggling with my allergies...headache, puffy face, drainage...just overall tired... and I have several art projects sitting on my art desk... Pequad's Asian Deco... "Silver the Sea" ATC series due in my Express Yourself art group, a Deco I need to make for Junebug (still not sure of the theme...pirates/ mermaids or the sea, foreign text or Egypt? Oh, and another Deco to make for imconnie's RR that is just starting up... argh!! Oh, and a magic wishing pyramid swap... this will be interesting... make a pyramid of a certain size using a base & 4 sides...then mail off three of the sides, get three DIFFERENT sides back to complete the original pyramid I started with... can't wait to post the before & after pics on that one...stay tuned!


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