It's not over....

well, I am not sure WHAT is not over, but I KNOW it is not the week...just getting started on the WEEK!! Tonight is the FoG meeting at the Green Muse coffeeshop in S Austin... tomorrow is ATC night, Weds is both Esbat AND Sabbat planning as we have Mabon 9/23 and the Full Moon 9/26. Wow, has this month just gotten away from me or WHAT!?!?!?

Good weekend...worked for a few hours then started on my Yuletide program... Saturday night we watched Peace's kidlets & a movie, then Sunday was the weekly trip to HEB for critter foods & coffee supplies. Silver Ram & Red Jackyl came over for a few hours Sunday afternoon, the rest of them time was spent artfully. Wow, the things I can get done when I sit down & trap myself in the artspace! No outside distractions, phone calls, etc...just creative space & the occasional cup of coffee. And Spirit baked me an orange spice cake!

Saturday is Arts & Craft's at Pam's and then Sunday is Mabon... a busy life but a good one!


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