
Well, after losing Artemis Saturday I wanted to get Aphrodite in ASAP... today was that day. So, she basically got a Cavia Manicure/Pedicure. They washed all her feet, then looked at them for possible health issues. She has the same foot issue that Artemis had but to a lesser extent, so she will be on cloth rugs for the next few weeks & antibiotics BID for the next 2 weeks. Vet says she likes the flavor... cherries. Now we know the secret!

Also, was my turn for the doc...my twice annual follow-up for meds, general health, etc. Had to do such with a student from UT outta SA... not too bad. Could not understand my dosages on my Rx and then forgot to write 2 of them, THEN put me down as having an issue with insomnia (?) but hey... they gotta learn somehow, right? Was there for thyroid issue, not insomnia!

Tonight I will try to catch up on art... the Dark Book AB RR needs to move off my desk and into the mail... the Sacrifice Journal left today via USPS... several ATC swaps still not done & deadlines are looming....also need to start documenting the work for my Cella program with WTI as my advisor hit me up the other day "When are we going to get together to go over your course documentation?" OOPS!!!! So yeah, need to get those ducks in a row before, oh ...say, October 20th. Can't put it off indefinately. It is a lot of fun, really... but it is also a lot of ~work~.


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