2 Places I will not go to in Austin

As many of you know, I serve on several community committees throughout the year. It does not cost me to be a part of the various activities, other than a cup of coffee or dinner, and I get to meet fascinating people & give back to the community I choose to live in. However, last night, it cost me.... and because it did, I will not longer attend anything that takes place on the corner of S 1st Street and W Oltorf, regardless of the reason.... read on...

Step by Step School Dance {512/444-6522 located at 529 W Oltorf St @ S 1st Street) and the
Green Muse Coffeehouse (512/912-7789 Located behind Ace Cash or some such at 519 W Oltorf and South First). Why do I recommend NOT doing business with these 2 places? Because apparently they are at war over their parking spots. Last night, even tho I parked by a car that was parked perpendicular across the marked parking space, my car got towed because I was properly situated in the space FACING THE DANCE STUDIO. If my door would have been facing the building (like the illegally parked car) I would not have been towed. I got out of my vehicle @ 7:08pm (dance studio was CLOSED) and the time on my tow receipt was 7:17pm. So, less than 10 minutes after parking my car to walk inside & see if I was at the right place (the signs for the Green Muse not being clearly evident), my car was already hooked up on the tow truck's dollie & some "wet behind the ears" male was saying "Cash or tow?" The sign on the wrecker door said Assured Towing. Now, while I wont ever be calling them for a tow, I do know they are only doing there job, as they are PAID TO DO by Step by Step...that is what my receipt said. Tow authorized by "Step by Step" s as per their standing agreement with Assured Towing ... who gets a percentage of all monies paid for vehicles towed from that lot...did you know that?



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