Cosmic Opportunity

Today, from 6:11-7:11am I sat in meditation as part of the global "Fire the Grid" movement to send healing energy back to our Mother, the Earth. Very rewarding, but I am also a bit tired afterwards. That will wear off, I am sure.

I realize most people start their week on Monday... but Monday was renamed to Makeday and so it is fun!! Tuesdays are fun, too... but the start of a busy week.... PS class 7-9:30pm and then Sage's class 6:30-9pm and Thursday is the FOG planning committee meeting, Friday is the Harry Potter party @ Bookwoman, Saturday is art day in N Austin, Sunday is the Harry Potter movie @ the IMAX in 3D! Whew!!

Today I woke up w/Melissa in my head...
"I Need to Wake Up" ... lovely song, if you've not heard it.
click here for the U-Tube video

Have I been sleeping? I’ve been so still Afraid of crumbling
Have I been careless? Dismissing all the distant rumblings
Take me where I am supposed to be To comprehend the
things that I can’t see Cause I need to move I need to
wake up I need to change I need to shake up I need to
speak out Something’s got to break up I’ve been asleep
And I need to wake up Now And as a child I danced
like it was 1999 My dreams were wild The promise of
this new world Would be mine Now I am throwing off
the carelessness of youth To listen to an inconvenient
truth That I need to move I need to wake up I need to
change I need to shake up I need to speak out
Something’s got to break up I’ve been asleep
And I need to wake up Now I am not an island
I am not alone I am my intentions Trapped here in this
flesh and bone Oh I need to move I need to wake up
I need to change I need to shake up I need to speak out
Something’s got to break up I’ve been asleep
And I need to wake up Now I want to change
I need to shake up I need to speak out Oh, Something’s
got to break up I’ve been asleep And I need to wake up

Covered a few miles Saturday in the search for Carolyn Jordan... to no avail, other than we ruled out some stretches of highway. 5 of us gathered in the weee hours Saturday morning (and in the rain, I might add) and spent 12 hours searching ravines, culverts, ditches... found a lot of things, including a toilet ?!?! and a kiddie pool... but no black 2002 4-door Camry :-( Others are picking up where we left off, so there is still an active search continuing. Please continue holding Carolyn and her family in your thoughts & prayers.


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