kicked in the teeth

Once upon a time, when I visited my relative, I found some social security checks languishing.
Relative was not in good health and was unable to get checks to bank. Some had already expired they were so old. So I set up a direct deposit account with me as signer so I could grocery shop, pick up presciption medications, etc. Then, a couple of years later relative fell and was placed in a nursing home full time. At that point, a parental unit took over the checkbook since now responsible for all the nursing home bills, selling the house, etc. However, I remained a signer on the account as I visited weekly and delivered sundry items.

September 2001 brought the Twin Towers ordeal and the death of relative. When I asked about closing the bank account I was told bank would need death certificate to close it out and it would "All be taken care of". Now, I find out that it was NOT "taken care of" ... and that an monthly annuity stipend found its way into the account for the last 70 months. The annuity has alerted the bank that those deposits were "made in error" due to relative being deceased. Amount of the error.... $24855 (70 monthly payments made AFTER death). So they'll be deducting said amount from "death account" on May 12th and to make sure funds were available to do so.

My problems? 1) I was told account was closed, and 2) I never knew an "annuity" was being deposited and 3) I am concerned they may freeze MY checking accounts until the total is repaid ... funds the parental unit has apprently allocated elsewhere as last bank statement showed about $14,000 LESS than the required $24,855.

Now what?


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