today's card was "Otter"

Joy, Power of Woman..this is the message Otter brings me today.Otters awaken curiosity. They remind us that everything is interesting if we look at it from the right angle.The Otter totem is connected tothe primal feminine energies of life...the elements of both Earth and Water are present in Otter medicine.With an Otter totem, I am told to remember the beauty of a balanced female side,creating a space for others to enter our lives without preconceptions or suspicions.Otter teaches that balanced female energy is not catty or jealous, but it is sisterhood and sharing with others.Otter expresses joy for others. Remember that all of us, both men and women, have a feminine side. If an Otter has entered your life, it may be time to find some play time in your life, to awaken your inner child. Allow events to unfold naturally in your life. Be careful not to hang on the material thingsin your life that bind you or become a burden.Become Otter and move gently into the river of life. Otter Medicine, of course, represents feminine forces, joy, fun, acceptance, balance, caring and sharing, contentment, happiness in the good fortunes of others, playfulness, imagination, helpfulness, and communtication.


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