song, insight

There is more to February than groundhogs, chocolates & lacy hearts. February is the time for stirring deep within, when seeds of new growth begin to awaken. It is the time of Brigid & Imbolc. It is the time to shut out the world and find the creativity amidst the quiet. When we find stillness, we make room for creativity. By the time February rolls around I've survived the "holiday season" (is it my imagination or does Christmas seem to have a never-ending retail life now?) and all the affronts from "well meaning" Christians who do not understand the Old Ways or that I practice them.

In spite of all the marketing barrage for this month, it is the time I turn inward. This is when new sensations and new life (creative and otherwise) form deep within. A sense of restlessness often manifests as "cabin fever" or "the blues". Direct action is needed in order to rekindle the creative fires. Brigid rekindles those fires as it is she that stokes the fires in the creative forge, inspires poetic tendencies, and heals the rift between me and my creativity. In order to do so... I remove the "mundane stimulations" such as the cell phone, the TV, the computer, my clock... sometimes even the music. Chaos can be used to inspire but so can the quiet... and the more settled I get in myself, the more I enjoy the quiet.

And, a friend from Cali called today, asking what the difference was between my meditation space, an altar and a temple. For me, a temple is a place where I go to visit the Goddess, while an altar is a small personal space I use to invite the Goddess into my home. Both are sacred spaces, as is my meditation space. It is a place I go to each day to center, to be quiet, to listen for the still voice within, to muse, to journal... it is about ME getting in touch with ME rather than the Goddess. I have water flowing over river rocks (fountain), several candles, my ruby in kyanite stone ball, a terrific citrine crystal, chimes singing and some sage burning. These are things I get enjoyment from, that have meaning to me, that relax my mind. It is where I go to remind myself that crisis and chaos are not constants.


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