New Year's for y'all....

LOL...since our New Year is November 1st...but this is the actual calendar changing new year... which I enjoy because I have my new ART CALENDAR from my Altered Art group!! Currently reading "Dance of the Dissident Daughter" for the Jan Book Goddesses...... VERY INTERESTING. And Full Moon night @ SSS (Spirit Stone Sanctuary, our little home in the hills) is tomorrow, everything is ready. Handy when I get a paid holiday to clean up, huh. Sigh... But I got to do some really nifty shaving cream art so will have to post a pic or 2 of the greeting cards I made with the resulting paper. And, speaking of New years... Edie got busted today for an outstanding speeding ticket... and since Prez Ford was buried today, may not get outta jail until tomorrow... BUMMER!
On the brighter side, my friend (Troy Campbell) will be playing a free show @ Central Market South off WestGate tomorrow1/3/9 6:30pm-9pm, with his buddy Cornbread. Come join us...we'll be there. So, that is all the news that is news, at least in our little corner of the hills... Blessed Be!


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