oh phooey!

Well, so much for the heatwave... here it is, 12:43pm and we are already at our high temp for the day... from here it drops back into the range of freezing. Sigh. My dragons are haivng a hard time staying warm, I think. Rooms (dragons & pythons) drop to around 68`F at night even tho I have the heater (central furnace) set to 74'F. Pythons are okay as long as they dont get below 60`f as they have undertank heat pads and nighttime heatlamps (which I had best turn on tonight). But the dragons are not comfy much below 70`F... their normal range is 85-90'F on the cool side and they bask around 105-110'F. Someone on the Dragon Zone suggested blankets or big bath towels folded over the tops of the 2 open tanks to hold the heat in once their lights go off... all they have at night is the ambient temp left from daytime.

Today is one of those days where you just don't really want to be at work... and what am I doing? Addressing 300 holiday cards to clients...BY HAND!! No way to filter & produce mailing labels, so by the time I set up a list for labels, it was faster to just write it. Sigh.

Saw Rebel & GF yesterday (came to get Rebel's new phone) and then again last night after dinner when GF came over to work on a scrapbook...Rebel came too once off work. Lots of fun!! Altho Spirit & I crashed around 11pm...we are old, work comes early... GF is such a neat person... a caring, apparently giving soul. Need more of those types in this world, I think.


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