new day, new plans....

Well, change of plans.. Mom needs some help getting things ready for her HH party Monday 12/18 so Spirit & I will be heading to Bandera this Sunday rather than next Saturday. Which leaves next weekend with a free day :-) Maybe the Armadillo Bazaar? Spirit has never been & Energy is also wanting to go... maybe make a day of it, who knows. Tomorrow is the annual "Family dinner" in New Braunfels and the time has been bumped up so the family could go to another family party (a birthday one) afterwards.

So no scrapping unless we do it this evening, but I FINALLY got the DVD I was waiting on ... Joseph Campbell's "The Power of Myth". Maybe we can fit it in on Saturday after the dinner, or Sunday after Bandera...stay tuned. Peace is planning on coming over for some scrapping time on Saturday the 23rd now that we are going to Bandera a week early. I COULD wait until then...but I don't wanna... LMAO


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