
Wow, was all the way into the 50's when I woke up this morning...and NO ICE on my windshield!! I was beside myself. Of course, this is AFTER I went and bought a ceramic heater for the Celica... poor little gal does not have heat any more... imagine, 330396 miles on a 26 year old car & it does not have a working heater any longer...sigh.

My twin & twin's family will be coming to Spirit Stone Sanctuary (our humble home) this Saturday. Will be nice, they've never been there, never seen all the babies :-) or the land or anything. Sun is a baby shower and a POSSIBLE reptile expo. Need to get the carpenter to get going on the other habitat... like we need another reptile...right? Oh, but the uros are absolutely adorable! Even Spirit wants one, so no resisitance there. Maybe the pythons will be up & about whilst kiddos there, even tho they are not a diurnal species. Snakes are always a wonderful "show & tell" item...never what newbies expect them to be.

You know, I was ruminating this morning on the sophomoric incident w/Avalon Moon after Thanksgiving... the blaming me for the RCG removal and the breakup with the Aussie... and I think I figured it out, finally. I was blamed because the RCG incident showed a side the Aussie had not yet seen... and they had some sort of fallout over that, maybe? Otherwise, how would *I* be responsible for breaking up a couple that I never saw except when we went to AM's house? Feature that, blaming me for one's own failings rather than learning anything from the failure itself. To make things even odder, AM decides to call me up and do a "9th step amends". Never mind that AM is
not clean OR sober (is in active relapse). Never got an apology for actions or for the phone call where all the shouting occured (I hung up). Sso am not really sure how that qualified as an 'amends'. I was just told it had been "a really bad weekend" and that AM hoped I understood that we were still friends, etc. My response? Said it was impossible to have a deep, meaningful friendship when you never know when or why that "friend" will turn on you next or what will set them off. I just don't really need those types of people or that type of drama in my life... for one I am too freaking old to go back to such "high school hjinks" and for two I have healthy and nurturing realtionships with several people so I find no need to add any of such a juvenile nature. 'Nuff said.


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