Friday... or Monday?

Well, technically it is Friday today... but as Spirit & I took off yesterday it is sorta a Monday... and with the turn in the weather (from 88`F to 24`F) work is just chock full o' morons. People P*A*N*I*C when the temperatures drop, I tell ya. And they are not even actually LOOKING to see if they are low on LPG, they just call all freaked out. Sigh.

Yesterday was a wee bit busy. First my thyroid testing @ 8am, then Spirit got stitches out & had another procedure done, then lunch @ Kim Phung, then haircuts, and eventually headed home in time for the ABC pest people's quarterly checkup. Then we had to go pick up the crickets that had FINALLY ARRIVED ...and back home to feed some anxious (or is that annoyed?) dragons who'd been picketing for crix since Monday. The rest of the evening was spent hand coloring our Yule cards... and as neither one of us was paying attention to the TIME, we noticied the hour sometime around 11pm... EEK! So off to bed we went, tired but thrilled at all we'd accomplished! :-)

This weekend is the last 2006 Market Days in Wimberely, so we're gonna meet Energy @ 8am and head on over there for a bit, then to Lowe's to work on something that will stand out in the dark to mark our driveway. We're hosting the new & full moon rituals but are so far out in the sticks that you can't find our place after dark. Sunday evening is a Sister Mystic event at a friend's house in N Austin, which I am REALLY looking forward to.... Then Full Moon (is the "Long Night's Moon") Monday night.... Life is just so F*U*L*L... I love it!!


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