Today's reading...

Every morning, I do a random reading in a book of goddesses (Nancy Blair). Today's goddess is Yulanya, who tells us 'Spiritual ways of being in the World require self-scrutiny.'

The Spirit Children of Australia are true teachers. They are returning as divine reminders. Here is their message:

Self-worth grows in proportion to your completion of the following few steps: Examine dependency on toxic substances, relationships, and behavior. Cultivate new behaviors and feelings that honor your Goddess Nature. Make new choices based on the sacredness of your being and that of all life.
The path of spirit is simply stated. Staying on the path is a choice that comes from love. You are not here to fulfill the dreams, wants, or wishes of other human being. Share your life, yes. However, do not take on the responsibility of protecting others from the consequences and realities of their own actions. You are responsible to and for yourself only. Your journey belongs to you. Make it your priority. There are many distractions that can pull you away from owning your own power. Pay attention.
Be loyal to your feelings and live your own life. This is the Way of Spirit. You will make great contributions to the World as a result of excavating your talents and true gifts. However, if you spend time in avoidance of what is true for you, you're wasting precious time. Held-in anger can blind you path. Get down to feelings. Uncover the rots of blocked emotions. Your emotional background may need tending.
And today's affirmation: "I follow the pathway of my creative, spiritual inspiration by first knowing and accepting who I am."

Another interesting note I thought I would share is :: "Rituals are not the path; they are a reminder that there is a path."


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