sad day....

Well, woke up this morning to find Lizzie AWOL. Somehow the door to her habitat was open, yet everything still intact & upright (kinda rules out Callie or any other feline mischief). Some of her treat containers were knocked off shelf & in the floor, but no real disarray. :-( Immediately began search & rescue, watching kitties closely for an signs of recognition or interest. None. She was not in her room, the Dragon's Den, the small bathroom or the living room. Finally came upon her still, tiny, lifeless form under the back corner of the kitchen table, right by the backside of the fridge. She did not appear to be chewed on (so cat's are outta the doghouse) so no known cause of death. Amaxing how big she seems in death...always thought she was so tiny when I was holding her in my hands. Burial services will be Saturday night, with the full moon... new beginnings for her next life. Rest in Peace, Lizzie... you are loved....


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