On the road again... to WORK!

Sunday we awoke at a leisurely 9:30am, Spirit handled coffee whilst I fed the apparently starving dragons. Spoiled...they are used to being fed @ 6am. Sue me! Then general tidying up until it was time to get ready to go to town. Was the last book Goddess meeting for 2006. We'd read "The Crone" by Barbara Walker. Damn good book. Is a lighter read then "The Great Cosmic Mother" so more ppl can probably get through it. Then we went over the picks for 2007 and headed our seperate ways for the year...sigh. So, to lift our spirits, we shopped for 2 more hours in town, hitting various used book stores to seek out the 2007 selections. Homeward bound at last for lasagna w/ciabatta bread and some herbal tea, along with the last 2 episodes of "Vanished", then some MORE general tidying up. We are hosting Art Day this Saturday from 1-4pm, before heading over to Heather's for her 7pm Bday party. And the celebration of Mercury finally going direct!! Monday will be New Moon Circle (the 20th) so more tidying, mowing, etc will be required this ween in order to get ready. Such a busy weekend coming up, can't leave it until then.
What a life!! I love this one!! Now if we just had a Uromastyx...