Friday!! Well, sorta

well, 15 more mins and I will be calling it a weekend.... I got here early so I could leave a little early and head to HEB for last minute items, then to PetSmart for some holdover crix. We are out and the delivery schedule is askew due to Thanksgiving so will be MONDAY...Hecate wont wait that long! I got dirty looks today when I gave her the last seven this morning...I don't DARE walk in this evening with NONE.

A friend on Nness got published in the winter issue of Stampington, pages 103 & 105. Can't wait for the magazine to hit the newsstands!!

As for the "Holiday" drill... Spirit works her usual 6am-2pm Thurs & we'll head to twin's in Hutto for TDay meal, then home, then I will catch up house chores, art swaps, etc on Friday whilst I wait for Spirit...Saturday we travel to the Homeland (Bandera, TX, y'all) to see the parental units, Sunday we REST!!


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