and so it begins...

Well, the full moon burial was small but heartfelt for Lizzie. She was laid to rest with all her favorite treats, some water and wooden nibbles, placed under the zinnias with a fossilized shell for a headstone and a guardian frog nearby.

Spirit & I spoke about it, and decided to go look for hamsters needing a home. We thought getting 2 would be better so they could keep each other company... but when we went looking, there were no social hamsters from the same litter,,, just singles. EXCEPT for one habitat that was home to a species called robos. Three little girls...each about the size of a large marshmallow. They met the requirements- social, same litter, small size (so all three can stay in one habitat we already have). So, we brought home "The Furries"... this is a play on words.
Furies: Avenging spirits; Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone; known also as Erinyes or Eumenides.

All in all, it was a very good weekend... we did art (I caught up on my Asian swap) and caught up on some of our DVR'd shows mos tof Saturday, then headed to the PowWow, then to Costco for the monthly run of groceries, then off to WallyWorld for Spirit's Rx's. Sunday we laid low, then headed to Energy's house for a bit, Peace's house (where I killed the laptop using orange soda) and then we went shopping for the holiday season RAK I picked up from my online art group What a blast that was... ended up w/2 boxes of holiday stuff for the mom & daughter. Awesome fun!

Tonight is bath night for the dragons, and that is about it, other than getting the RAK ready to ship off. Maybe one load of laundry left. My night to cook, so we are having leftovers... what a SURPRISE!! *not* Also, I WOULD like to get some new pictures up @ PhotoBucket, and I'd like to post pics from Lizzie's service. A typical week lined out: work, doc appts, pagan dinner, snake feeding, company picnic, and book goddesses.... yep...typical week. Maybe even a little on the slow side..LMAO


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