almost there!!

21 more hours to go!! Well, that includes 3 lunch hours so... 18, really!! Oh hell, I gotta work this Saturday :-( Newbie's FIL is in hospital in Houston so she'll not be avalable this Saturday. Which is completely understandable. So 25 = 22. Rebel has locked self outta car, so have to go take care of that after work. That's okay, was gonna go to HEB anyways... Rebel needs FOOD!! LMAO. Rebel needs a cookbook, I think...says "I'm tired of ramen & man 'n cheese, can you take me shopping?" Sure, that is what mom's are for!! And for unlocking cars :-)

Daimon & Loki have now shed... 1st one for Loki. He was one of the pair that we rescued end of August... now if only she'd grow a bit more so she'd shed... Indra has given up on brumating... I wont let him have shorter days, and we keep tossing waxworms at him that he can't eat if he's asleep. He opens one eye to see if it is food worth moving for. Too funny!

Well, off to start that 1st of those three lunch hours... anything to get the weekend closer. It is packed, again... work, then art (@ our place) then Heather's party, and Sunday is party @ ED's.


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