3 down, 1 to go

Well, have been here since 8am, filled one bottle, took 1 payment, answered 2 needless calls... and I still have an hour to go. Did finally get my Nervousness stuff sorted out. Have trades, PIFs, PCs, ATC swaps all pending, needed to remember who I told I would send what, and what is to be sent to me by whom. And ppl think art is not WORK! Apparently, 13 is a good number for me... 13 critters live in our home, 13 events open on Nness... now just as long as I don't get involved in 13 art groups! The 4 on Yahoo are pretty spaced out. 2 are for ATCs only, other 2 are all forms of altered art. And there are just a few things open at any one time on any one board, so I rotate through those fairly quickly. MSN group has an ongoing deal, if you want to join, you simply send in your entry BEFORE THE DEADLINE. And they have already posted each month's theme throught August 2007, so makes it easy to wrok on them in between the other gorups. NNess has 4,816 members posting to 15,083 threads with various ongoing swaps. EEEK! But it is lots of fun and I am not too bad off...only engaged in a small percentage of swaps when you look at being in 13 out of 15,083. ROFLMAO

Spirit is at home, she IM'd me earlier to tell me "little bathroom is done, floors are mopped, will finish cleaning our bathroom when floor dries, then on to other things". So sweet...esp since I am not there to help. I work til noon, takes me about 45 minutes to get home, art starts at 1pm...do the math. Sigh. Art will be over @ 4pm, then we start cooking for Heather's birthday potluck Circle, then off to WallyWorld for some things, then to Heather's with the tamale pie, cornbread pudding & birthday cake, and then eventually home for some much needed SLEEP!!

My ex-inlaws are having their annual "Family Dinner" Dec 16th, same day Peace asked me to set aside for scrapbooking (daughter's dance teams, son's soccer endeavours). She was very gracious about it, will look at our schedules again next week and pick a different day.

Hark..the phone rings!! Oops. guy was wanting a 30# bottle... purchased and filled. Dang, hope he skips that.. takes 30-45 mins to purge a new bottle, and I can't be late leaving or my guests will arrive without me! I will be prepared, exactly at noon, with computer shut down, phone forwarded, and hand on doorknob, locking the door!


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