OK, now it is TGIF!!

Tomorrow is the women's campout... gonna be 8 of us in a screened-in shelter @ McKinney Falls... what fun! Spirit & I went shopping last night for graham crackers, marshmallows and Hershey bars! Gotta have campfire smores or you just aren't camping, ya know. Will be nice to get away... work is picking up (that time of year) so I have actually had to WORK at work :-) We have to come back into town to take care of the dragons, but Peace has volunteered to be taught the ins and outs of dragon care, so will meet us at the house to learn the drill so can feed them Sunday for us...save us another trip in & back out to campsite. While the lights are automatic, they do not always come on. For instance, this morning Luna's heat lamp was out... toast. Replaced it with a spare. And the greens do not cut themselves up & climb into the habitats. .. the crickets might...LMAO.

Whilst we were shopping last night, picked up a jar of mango baby food and another of checken with apples. For Indra. Poor litle guy, he is trying to brumate and we wont let him... he only weighed in @ 497 grams, and that was 6 weeks ago. Not enough fat reserves yet to stop eating. And the other 2 rescues, while having gained a bit since we acquired them, are even less ready. Hecate is to young to think about brumation. Youngsters need too much food to stop eating for a few weeks in a row, and she is only 185g (a gain of 85 grams in 6 weeks!). Indra is down to 477 grams (-14g in 6 wks), Loki is weighing in @ 396g (+31 in 4 wks) and Luna hit 296 (+20 in 4 wks). So, the baby food is a trick... the theory is that, if I smear it on his nose, he'll lick it off... and be fooled into eating. He DID eat 3-4 pieces of fresh mango this morning, which is an improvement. He had been turning his nose up at even that, and mangoes are his absolute fave. Lights are on automatic timers and are set to turn on @ 6am, off @ 8pm. Still giving them 14 hour days, hoping to stave off brumation for the 3 (older) rescues, damnit.

Gearing up for the Samhain ritual Tuesday.... this will be a lot of fun!! Runes are painted, maracas set out, paper goods ready to pack... SO looking forward to this new year! This year has been prosperous in so many ways....


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