I'll B There 4 U

Well, this morning's song-even tho I styled it as a Prince song-was Bon Jovi's "I'll Be There For You". For those of you who may have been wondering...Yes, I still wake up singing. I just don't always post the song of the day. :-) A good morning.... as good as one can be that starts at four freaking thirty, anyways. Got Spirit up and off to work, lunchbox in hand. That is so much fun! So, then I made salads for the still sleeping beardies, loaded dishwasher and started it, grabbed a cup of coffee and headed back to my room to get dressed and ready for work. Wait, none of my skirts are in my closet? Hmmmmm. Went searching and found them in the dragon's den... so now they are awake and looking for breakfast...dang it! Turned on everyone's lamps and head BACK to the kitchen, skirts in hand, decide bedroom is wiser choice so I head to my closet w/the skirts, hang them up and then stop off in kitchen for the 4 salad bowls (today was mustard & collards, butternut and mangos) and head BACK to the Den. I get a LOT of exercise in the morning, walking back and forth. So, get the babies fed, head back to my room, get dressed... now I can't find any of my dress shoes? Damn it, they are in the closet in the Python Parlour. Grrrr. So I check in on Agathos (curled under tree still) & Daimon (still hiding under his log) and Lizzie, who is sound asleep....or as sound asleep as a hmaster can be sharing a room w/2 pythons!. Ok, I am ready for work!!

So, I go back to feed dragon's their crix (want them to eat their greens FIRST so they have to wait) ... my morning takes a sour turn. The "Cricket Keeper" has 4 tubes w/endcaps... placed them in the tank w/the crickets.... easy, right? Well, let's just say I have removed the endcaps off all 4 tubes. The paper towel tubes actually work best, so I will remove all the plastic tubes when I get home...all because in one of the closed tubes was a cricket that had expired and was now a food source for maggots. I did not know that when I dropped the crix into the tank and Loki ate the dead cricket, maggots and all. He seemed non-plussed... I was REVOLTED! went & dumped all the crix left in that tube & the other remaining capped plastic one outside. GROSS! Got out the antiseptic wipes, wiped off his tiles, scrubbed my hands... OMG.... YUCK! Loki just looked at me like "What's the problem? It's all protein." Now, rational thought tells me that the cricket had ot be alive to crawl in the tube, probably got trampled by his buddies, and could not get out the other end because it was capped. However, I will be doing a clean out of the tank today, removing ALL dead crix, and any crix that even look like they MIGHT expire soon... I was so revulsed!

On the happier side of things, Spirit & I got both Luna's & Loki's habitats fully tiled last night. Am waiting on Daimon to come out of hiding so I can replace his ReptiBark w/Aspen bedding. I thinkit will be easier on his tummy, but I REALLY like how it makes them stand out when viewing. They are such handsome boys!!

Switched homegroups last night... decided it is time for a change, need to step out, try some new, uncomfortable things. Growth. Get to know a whole new group of guys and gals, rather than my safe group of women that I have spent the last 8 years with. We will still be gathering for Art, Goddess events, retreats, etc. But I just feel it is time to quit hiding behind familiar things. Wheeeeee.


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