Blue Mondays
Well, as much as I am not a fan of Mondays, yesterday was a kicker. As you might recall, the bosswife killed my lunch hour last Friday...well she did the SAME thing, with bossman's help, to me yesterday. I swear I need a flashing neon sign reminding them that I GO TO LUNCH FROM 2-3PM!!!! You see, Friday the five computers @ their house would not get on the internet... now, keep in mind I know zip about this type of stuff. So I called a pro... bosslady dropped the ball till 2pm, then at 3pl he is there, fixing stuff but she has to leave and go get kids from school. Yesterday, someone was to get leads on $300 computer systems for 2 of their daughters...and dropped the ball, which somehow found its way into MY Lap. Umm, no such computer, unless you get it w/o the monitor. I was not shot for being the bearer of such news, but it did nothing to improve the day, let me tell you. And today is strating off the same way... a computer issue here, only the bosses took the computer in question to their house, but we still need to solve the issue present before the computer left...WTF???
On the brighter side, I won the "Caption This" game on the Dragon Zone so I got to post a pic . Put one up of Indra painting... isn't he a doll!?! Was bath night last night, so this is right out of the tub, after Spirit dried him off in a towel. Glad those watercolors are washable!

Mexico was a blast!! Me, Spirit, and Travel managed to get our butts outta bed & left h ome at 5 freaking AM! Only took about 5 hours, then we shopped and shopped and shopped. Got some wall art- a frog & a plate. Also a glass windchime, a poncho for me, a hoodie for Spirit, some carved stone pyramids, frogs, etc. Got Rebel a hoodie last time, so got his gf one this time. Also scored some of my Rx's ... when you are uninsured, they can be a bit pricey in the states. Sigh. Found my $21/pill pain med for $3.85/pill. Sweet!! Also found some pan dulce and produce from the valley on the way home.
Sunday was spent cleaning, sorting, getting Spirit's art area set up next to mine :-) , stuff like that. Am now in 4 art groups... 2 mixed media and 2 ATC only. And I have completed one swap already, so have 4 more to go.... no such thing as easing into things for me, you know... I just dive right on in. And then there was yesterday....sigh... went home, had coffee... bed by 9pm.
On the brighter side, I won the "Caption This" game on the Dragon Zone so I got to post a pic

Sunday was spent cleaning, sorting, getting Spirit's art area set up next to mine :-) , stuff like that. Am now in 4 art groups... 2 mixed media and 2 ATC only. And I have completed one swap already, so have 4 more to go.... no such thing as easing into things for me, you know... I just dive right on in. And then there was yesterday....sigh... went home, had coffee... bed by 9pm.