Blast from the past?

Sent: Monday, October 09, 2006 7:43 PM
Subject: Personal Message
> Hi Kristi,
> This is Jamie from the Kerrville SCA group. I wanted to tell you I am
> sorry for things happening the way they did. I listened to people who
> were jealous and spiteful. I hope your life has been good.
> Jamie

Wow... the time spoken of above is almost 20 years ago!! If memory serves me, we were friends around the time of my divorce from Rebel's sperm donor. A lot of ppl chose sides around that time due to some rumors the ex was spreading trying to cover his own deceitful trail of lies about whose bed he had been spending his time in. And, as a result of my NOT airing his inability to "keep it in his pants", I was painted the enemy. Ah well. What strikes me is that Jamie actually took the time to look me up, format an eamil, and apologize for something that happened in 1987! I do not even really recall the specifics, it has been so long. Hmmm.

On another note, my morning routine is still in meed of some tweaking. Up @ 4:30am w/Spirit, lunches made, cats fed, back to bed til 6am. Up @ 6am, lights on for dragons, make their breakfasts, go get ready for work. IDEALLY, between time salads are done & 6:30am when they are delivered, I should have time to get dressed, eat, meditate, and grab some coffee. Still a few kinks, bc it was 6:25am by the time I did all but meditate... and meditation takes a bit more than five minutes in order to prepare for the days I live through! But, after I got their salads served I managed to finish up the rest of my stuff & still funnel in crix @ 6:45am AND clean up the poos left for me by all 4 this morning. Then out the door I went, in my newly repaired Celica! It was so nice to be back in my "daily driver". Not that I mind the Caprice, but the Celica is like your favorite pair of jeans, you know? She just fits!

Got all my art supplies sorted, new ones put away from the marathon shopping event last Saturday, and am gearing up to start some new ATC swaps w/a coupla new groups. I miss art, and things are finally slowing down enough to get back to it. Spirit even sorted/organized. I have a bit more than Spirit to sort, but I also had a head start... so it was an even evening all around. Watched 3 episodes of "Vanished" whilst doing so... man, DVR is sweet!! 3 hour long shows, all seen in less than 90 mins!


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