Ailing but getting there

Well, in spite of the sinus crap that blew in with our cooler temperatures, I managed to complete all my "to do" items last weekend! Saturday I worked...and I mean actual "work", not just the act of being present. Grrrr. There should be a law, I tell ya! Got all the monthly statements printed, folded, stuffed & stamped... about 400 of 'em! Then to Energy's house for art.... was scheduled 1-4pm but we were having so much fun we did not start wrapping it up until around 5pm.

Course, by then it was too late to go get a replacement phone for Spirit, because the phone place closed @ 6pm and we got there @ 6:02pm... so we went to Hobby Lobby and spent almost 3 hours looking for stuff to accomplish the ideas that came to us during our art session. I am intent on scrapbooking Rebel's birth thru graduation in one, my concert tickets & mementos in another, and then one of just general shots of Rebel that Granny sent to me from summers past.

Sunday we made it to the planning meeting for the upcoming Samhain Circle we'll be doing wiht our Goddess Group on 10/31/06. Samhain is the Witch's New Year, so it will be very special. We've volunteered for several things as part of the event, so a trip to Michael's was in store for supplies...but first we had a new moon circle @ the Grove to attend.

All of this whilst the entire left side of my face was swollen from whatever the wind blew in that is screwing with my sinuses. UGH. But is was a really enjoyable weekend... got a lot done! Even got my "Trick or Treat" ATCs sent off to my AlteredArtSwaps group, as well as my "October Challenge" ATCs for ExpressYourself mailed off. Whew! Replaced Spirit's phone last night, then an early dinner and bedtime for my poor aching head. Maybe tonight I can work on the 2 swaps for my Pagan ATC group or the one for my FunWithATCs group. I enjoy that so much, and I hate feeling poorly...


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