Off & running

Well, I did it... I got up @ 4:45am as usual...fed cats, packed our lunches & pushed Spirit out the door at 5:10am...and I DID NOT go back to bed! I stayed up and had some coffee, made 4 salads for the dragon's "breakfasts in bed", held the bowl for Mischief even. He LOVES the orange butternut squash. Patches started chowing down right away... poor things probably have not had greens in ages, judging from the info the prev owner gave us :-( Indra seemed really fond of the thawed yam patty (cut into cubes) and his kidney beans. Hecate...well, she is still a youngster, compared to the other 3... cricketville for her! She was waiting, too... ignoring that salad! She slowed down after a good 30-40 of them, so I stopped dropping them in on her. What an appetite for such a tiny gal! Then went and brushed my teeth, got dressed, etc. Grabbed some breakfast, topped of my coffee cup & out the door I went ON TIME. 7am!! OMGosh, I made it to work on TIME....


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