ahhhh....maybe my last Saturday?

Well, the new hire started yesterday... LOL...what a trooper...is helping me to now UNpack the boss' house... sigh... but I guess a job is a job. Was hired knowing that Saturdays were a part of the deal, so I SHOULD be done working 6 days a week soon!! And next Saturday Spirit & I are having a our housewarming reception so I am already off for 9/30/6. I am HOPING that we'll get the newbie trained enough to start Saturdays on 10/7 ... pray for me!!

A relatively quiet weekend planned... meeting some new (pagan) ppl for coffee when I get off work, then start running some of the "party errands" for a tent, paper goods, catering for the vegan sandwiches & the fruit trays, stuff like that. Maybe a night on the town w/Enigma & a friend. Sunday is Spirit's company picnic...but the forecast is calling for an 80% chance of rain tonight, decreasing to 30% Sunday afternoon... picnic is in Round Rock (50 miles north of us) from 10-5pm. I don't wanna go if it is raining...lots of things in house still need to be done before Saturday the 30th!


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