Adventures of Agathos and his friends

Well... another long day... doc visits, then hair appointments, then home to put away 1000 crix for the dragons that arrived from LLL Reptile. Then, left house for an HEB trip that was desperately needed (no greens for beardies, no milk for me, no 1/2 n 1/2 for Spirit... you know the drill). Two hours later (takes a long time when you have to scan ingredients on EVERY freaking thing!) and $115 poorer, we arrive home and begin putting away all the groceries. Cereal for dinner, tuck in the beardies, look in on the pythons, and all was well...Zzzzzz :-)

So, this morning, I do my usual routine... get up, poor my coffee, grab some soy milk and produce from the fridge then set up shop on the counter. Some prickly pear cactus, a touch of chayote, a green bean each, a little shredded butternut squash, nicely arranged on beds of escarole & endive... and I have made two breakfast salads for the dragons!! I enter their room quietly (they are diurnal, so still fast alseep) and sneak the bowls into their habitats. Next, I head to the python parlour to grab some crickets (too hot in the BD's room for the crix) ... and lo and behold, what do I find? Crickets, of course... but I also find Agathos atop his habitat! He had somehow managed to exit the heavy wire mesh "Tough Top" placed on top of his terrarium! So I extricate Agathos from the top of his tank and the lid, looking at the thermometer as I do so. It is only 74`F... explains why he did not venture very far... he was too cold! I get him untangled, place him near his heated hideaway, and in he goes, and then begins to snore... poor little guy. I also remember to install his sliding top (we did not last time we were trying to convince him to eat) that fits inside grooves... AND the hard top goes over that. No more nighttime travels for that little guy.

Back to the crickets... gather up about 30, take them to the dradon lair to drop them in on Hecate & Indra, then hit the lights (all 4 of them!) and watch the chase begin. Indra is slow to rise... he is NOT a morning dragon. Hecate, on the other hand, wakes right up and starts snatching up crickets left and right. I watch as she eats about 10 or so... then back to Indra... who is still yawning. His approach to breakfast is to wait until the crix hop in front of him, THEN eat them. Maybe he's like me... needs coffee first!

Today, Spirit & I will be packing up more of Fred's house for my boss, then heading home to pack up whatever art supplies we'll be taking to Joan's for "Art Saturday" in Volente. NO OTHER PLANS for the weekend... I am so thrilled!! Well, I want to go look at some 6x6 tiles for Indra's habitat... he is in a 40B tank (is an odd size) so we've been unable to find ReptiCarpet the right size. Plus, crix will not be able to run and hide under tile!


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