5 more hours....

Spent five more hours packing my boss' dad's house... they have to be out of both houses by 9/28 and dad is in hospital, so Spirit & I volunteered to pack his dad's house for him. Wheeewww. Lots of work, lots of stuff...amazing what a person accumulates in some 60+ yrs of life, ya know?

So, today is work, of course (ugh) and then Art Day in Volente @ Joan's house right afterwards. Should be able to make it JUST in time if we go straight from here, so Spirit & I packed the truck this morning with art supplies. Also have to run by shoe store as Spirit has a coupon that will expire tomorrow and NEEDS shoes... hate to waste coupon! Also swinging by PetsMart before 9pm to get the 40gal breeder they are holding for us (Indra's replacement) and some more cricket food...be surprised how much 1000 crix can chow down. :-) Let's see,,, what else? Oh, Caprice starter went out so we are taking floor jack & jack stands to Jayce so he can install new starter Sunday... wheee. (not)

Good news is, that is ALL we have planned for Sunday. Altho, we are rethinking the house arrangement again... I dislike my artspace being so far away from the rest of the house. I do not mind being in the Dragon's Den but it is 1) on the very end of the house, and 2) about to become crowded as we add the next 2 beardies the end of the month. They are arriving with their own 2 story habitat and will be needing a place to land... looks like the space where my art desk is currently is becming premo real estate. You know what they say-"Location Location Location." In which case, we are thinking art desk moves to living room... which means rearranging the layout AGAIN. Um, if I were counting, this will be the fourth time for that particular room... LMAO. We will get it right eventually.


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