Weekend Report

Well, talk about a jam-packed weekend!! Saturday morning I worked, of course... my usual 8am-noon. Then rushed home for the satellite guy (the company tells you a.m. or p.m., that is all). Whilst we waited I got all the pictures hung up on the walls and Spirit got the front yard mowed. Then we got all the closets shuffled and arranged so NO MORE CLOTHES on the floor !! ~~~~~~~~~~
Avalon & the Aussie came over around 2:30pm, then I get a call from the dish ppl, guy wont be there between noon & 5pm, will now be 5-5:30pm. OK. Our guests left right around the time the dish guy called...LOST! How can you miss the ONLY hot neon pink mailbox on Hwy 21 ?!? So, Tim finally shows up around 6:30pm, just before Peace & company came over, so we did not get to do anything really other than hang out and watch Tim install setup while kids played on trampoline. Finally, 9:30pm comes and EVERYONE leaves!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~
Sunday we have a list a mile long of things to do in A-Town since we were help captive Satuday by the dish deal.... WalMart for Rx's, large outside garbage can, shower caddy, linen rack, etc for bathroom. #'s to put on the neon pink mailbox. You get the idea. Then Half-Price books to see what they had available on dragons & python care. Then dropping off final edit on manuscript for "America Jane." Then ZooKeeper for mousicles, caverock, thermometers & hygrometers, etc for the reptile room. Finally Olive Garden because we'd not eaten all day and it was 4:30pm!! Then further north to get kitchen table w/4 chairs that was like new we found on craigslist for a pittance (in Round Rock), followed by HEB for produce, milk, all the perishables we did NOT get at WalMart because the would not keep all day. And last but not least, we swung by Energy's house to pick up the car I lent her Sat whilst we we captive. Whew! ~~~~~
I am SO looking forward to a calm, quiet, relaxing night at home! Of course, that will be what...Thursday? LOL. Monday is my weekly women's meeting in West Austin (while Spirit grabs a deep freeze we also found on craigslist.. you have GOT to try this ), then feeding day for the pythons; Tues is the ABC ppl for the ant problem (damn drought!); Weds is our San Marcos Witches & Pagan meetup dinner.


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