busy busy busy... 10 days later

Well, snakes are all cozy clean, lizards too. Finally went back in for the DP shot for migraines.. finally got HEALTH INSURANCE!! Effective yesterday...whew... The metaphysical fair is this weekend but we are going to my twin's Saturday after work... neice's Bday. Sunday we'll do the fair. Sun & Mon were migraine days again... so glad the health insurance started immediately. Five weekends until housewarming...argh. Spirit has done SO MUCH around the place, I tell ya. I have not even STARTED on the flower beds yet. But the inside is comfy cozy, so each day a new start, I guess. Enigma got an offer from the place she applied to.. conditional, but an offer, nonetheless. Validation! So, tomorrow is the beginning of the weekend....whee!! Friday Rules, you know. Work til noon, coast until 3pm, goof off until the 5pm whistle. Here's to a fun filled time...


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