
Well...the Tornado is wrecking havoc on Spirit Walker... and about to get placed on permanent purgatory at this rate... there is a point of no return, and it is rapidly approaching. There is only so much abuse you can heap on someone, and it is about to overflow, I think.
>>> <<< >>> <<< >>> <<< >>> <<<< >>> <<< >>> <<<< >>> It turns out that my little EnergyField is reading my blog because it can recite the names of those listed... then promptly wonders WHY it is not listed... too freaking funny... now let's see how long it takes to come back to me. >>> <<< >>> <<< >>> <<< >>> <<<< >>> <<< >>> <<<< >>>
Enigma is still overworked, but backing down some on the schedule and may actually be able to enyoy some firework, possibly of the July 4th variety, possibly of the can hope. Be nice to see a blossoming relationship spring up in some of the newly available "spare time" but might need to free up more than an hour or two a week...sigh. Still not sleeping enough but that is largely in part because the stalker that shall not be named is escalating in stupidity. I'd not be so polite, but Enigma is apparently possessed of more patience than I. Or more restraint? Either way, Stalker would have lost my number by now, or the fingers with which to hold a phone to an ear.


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