new family member, today's color, musings

Well, son spent several hours setting up the latset family member & making "Bumper" comfortable. How many turtles do you know that get to clamber aroundon an $75 chunk of Georgia marble? LOL Yup, son has set up shop for a turtle...a red's the cutest, tiniest little thing. Little red dot on its tiny little neck, which I got to see a lot of. He kept peering up at us whilst we tried to get the filtration system to work. Took some doing, I tell ya. :-)
The rest of the evening was spent setting up new bookcases. Spirit made a killing w/some guy off CraigsList for 5 bookcases, 7'x2.5'x2' black bookcases, already assm'd w/variable shelving. Which we were desperately in need of. Our library is growing by leaps and bounds, and the collection of DVD/VHS as well as the arts & crafts supplies are not exactly small either. Not to mention the antique glass, the stones, crystals and various other tools, art, etc laying around that needed a safe (meaning out of cat reach) place to rest.
Today's color is white, which was easy...white jeans, white (fire opal) bracelet, diamond earrings, Estee Lauder's "White Linen" parfum... and ylang ylang incense for work... easier than June 30th's coral.. UGH. Makes wondering "What to wear?" so much easier... LOL
Still gathering the info on the next additions to the family... ball python & gecko... not sure which is nect, or of together. They will not be able to cohabitate. And, since ball pythons are notorious for escaping, and Callie is notorious for opening that which she is not supposed to, I see a challenge ahead... sigh. Bumper is in a closed-off room since the tank is open and she is FASCINATED by the waterfall created by the filter. Good thing he is moving into his quad soon.


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