Moon Time, son stress

Well, is that time of the month again... saw my favorite enigma this morning... handed off Coke, tomato juice, got back a smile that lit up my morning. Must have showed through some tho that I was not feeling my perkiest bc I got a call later this morning inquiring as to my well-being. Sweet. Wonder if Enigma knows just how deeply I care? Probably not, and that is okay by me. .

Son giving me flack about my cars... I know he is stressing about his gf moving back home for summer, the end of freshman year, changing his major, stress over his GPA, but damn, give your mom a break, please! He has no plans for today but he wants the car with the stereo JUST IN CASE they want to go to the river or something. GEEZ. Today he is upset with me because I asked for the Caprice back so I could drive it to work today. It's not like I am asking for a lot. .. especially since I pay the gasoline, insurance, maintenance, registration, etc on all 3 cars (I'm the only one with a job). You see, I put the Celica in the shop Monday for routine work, and Tuesday the Olds had a dead battery... and when I called him for a jump start, he was too sound asleep to answer his phone (that I ALSO pay for). So I ended up hitching a ride to work!. It's not like I am asking for a lot. .. just my Caprice back so I can get to work for another day!! . :-(


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