almost vacation time!!

trying to go for see green text here as we are soon to be headed for the OCEAN!! Spirit has an more hour of work until vacation time ... getting last minute stuff ready like oil changed, etc. hotel reserved at tip of our trek, then we'll just head south to Mexico and take it as we go!! book list written out... we want to take some stuff to catch up on... Spirit is studying/carving runes whilst I am trying to catch up on my color & stone energies as well as my book club for June (Great Cosmic Mother) . And of course sunscreen, towels, chairs, icechests. :-) No alarms, no jobs, no kids... just us... wow!! Tonight we are going to WholeLifeBooks on S Lamar to hear someone speak on a fave topic of ours... Wicca. Not so much for topic, but to meet some like minded folks and mingle.


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