Home again, home again, jiggety jig...

I must say, I had a terrific time in Boise w/my online group of gals!! I was not the "outgoing all the time, gotta go gotta go" gal that I wanted to be perceived as, but I was me and that is what matters. I took some time to myself to rest and I took time to soak up the energy of the gals I was with. Wow... 20 this year? OMG, come a long way since Houston in 2000, I think 8 of us attended. Next year is Fort Worth!! Close to home, I am so excited!! After that, back to the Winter Wonderland as it will be held in Chicago! Only time I've been there is when I had a connection to make @ O'Hare. ..I've never stepped outside the airport.

Got home just after 1am Tuesday, got a few hours sleep & then into work. Ouch. Got the bill for Celica repairs at midnight when Amy dropped me at shop... $575. Another OUCH! Arrived home last night around 6pm with a list of chores. Unpacked, did 2 loads of laundry plus my bedding, scooped both cat litters, changed out Lizzie's shred, made some potato corn chowder and then cleaned kitchen, got pics off card & uploaded to yahoo pic album on group's site, and showered... rolled into the bed just after 10pm. Not bad... 4 hours of chores for 5 DAYS of fun & friendship!

Nothing planned rest of this week except for donating blood (AB+) Saturday after work. Am really looking forward to the Book Goddess group and going over "The Moon Under Her Feet" with the other women... such a great read. Next up is "The DaVinci Code" by Dan Brown. I have already read it (have read ALL of his, actually) but will do so again so it is fresh iun my mind for our April meeting. Speaking of meeting, my Pagan MeetUp is March 8th, and I wanted to get book Aust told me about finished beforehand...better get to turning those pages! Got side-tracked with a few others. Nothing like reading 2-3 books at a time. :-)

Let's see... I am going to miss a few of the gals, I am sure, but will try to name all who I met from JFT-WIR group:: Amy, Cindy, Cris, DonnaJean, Gail, Jana, Jean, Linda, Lisa, Mary A, Mary R, Sara, Michelle, Sylvia ... still need 5 more? Damn it!! Carla? Janice? I SO suck @ names!


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