another full moon passes

and what a moon it was!!! So, pagan group met for dinner the 8th, goddess group the 12th, Sisters the 13th, full moon the 14th, payday the 15th, wow...WHAT A WEEK!!!! Trying some new stuff, so far so good. Got a few stones I was missing whilst I was in town for the goddess book group, along with some herbs & incense to refill what I was low on. Added 2 entries in my BofS. That was empowering, actually. Enchanted the blue star topaz Mom passed on to me.
Accepted an invitation to lunch for tomorrow... actually kinda looking forward to it, altho sorta nervous, too. Going to see Mom this weekend, will pick up the cedar posts for mine & Diana's staffs. Be nice if she's also rounded up baby food jars (for keeping my herbs in). Jayce headed to SA to pick up Erica and then they are heading to S Padre for the rest of Spring Break. Hope weather there nicer than it is here...cloudy & gray, rain forecasted for next four days. Llano is next excited. I am taking off Friday AND Saturday !!


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