Class of '85

well, I'll be damned... this week has brought several things... some I'll even share! Talk about old home week... first Earl, then my old high school flame, brought Diane (who was older sis to my then-best-friend Tracey). Wow... we've all grown up. Remember, "up" is not the same as "old" in my world! Tonight my son will be home from college & we've a movie date!

I am so in love with my life today. Not only was something happening every day this last week, but next week getting packed. Gayle's b-day Mon, visiting Mom Tues, a little bit of time at home Weds & Thurs to work on my page for the upcoming "Tree of Life" book, then dinner @ Dave's Fri, Rick over for dinner & a movie Sat, and Sun is my (self-imposed) deadline for tax preparation ... go go go !!! And, by this time 4 weeks from now, I will be sitting in Boise, Idaho with a whole bunch of my online gal pals... Jean, Barbra, Gail, Pam, Cris, Jean, Cindy, Amy... I am psyched!!


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