oh I am so behind!!

Well, I sorta let this get away from me, didn't I? See what a trip to California will do for me? Got some awesome pictures while I was there, almost forgot to come back! Wine country was gorgeous, got several bottles of Sauvignion Blanc for mom whilst there. Great friends let me crash for most of the visit. Mary & Robin even came to visit me while I was in San Fran. Sailing ont he Bay was a new experience. vastly different from sailing the 2 mile wide basin in Lake Travis, I tell ya!! And they do not wim in the ocean there...thought that was a wee bit odd (until I put my hand in the water!!) since we swim in the Gulf. Totally different climates, that was for SURE! So, got back on a Weds and spent rest of the week catching up at work. Yesterday I FINALLY got the last of the filing done that was created from the massive stack of payments I posted & invoices I created for all the transactions while I was away forgetting all about work.
:-) So, I will post some pics in my briefcase soon. All I have done to date with them is burn them all (some 200+) onto a CD-ROM for my mother's birtthday (Oct 10th). Called her from Pier 39 with sea lions barking in the background while I sang "Happy Birthday"...poor Mom!


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