my Weekly Update, I guess

well... it seems to be more of a weekly thing than a daily thing... but here I am again!
My week was spent productively, believe it or not. Sunday the 7th we went to see Granny & Granddad for the evening, then Monday Jayce & I went shopping for dorm stuff & clothes. Cant send him to college in tattered clothing, now can I? Tuesday was spent with Dave, repairing a window on the boat...will see how it holds up & then plan the other side. Also got teak railings off to redo them... that seems like a major task, even compared to the leaky window. Last night was dinner and a meeting with Sheila, who I've not spent much time with lately. Saturday will be my neice's birthday BBQ in Hutto, TX. Then hopefully sailing on Sunday to round out a week spent rather well. Boss missed me on Mon & Tues, that was heartwarming. :-)


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