WW Video, the 2:30pm affirmation

I did it.. I finally did my workout... got a video from my Weight Watcher's Leader 2 weeks ago but never got around to using it, then David died and it was hard to do anything but cry, much less jog. But I have made a commitment to myself to do it at least twice a week. Damn, David was only a year older than me (okay, 15 months, but still). Kinda a shock. Today was a new start... I am trying to send him loving thoughts every time I start to feel grief sneaking up on me. So far, it seems to be working... gone a whole 24 hours without my eyes leaking. Have decided to pause every day @ 2:30pm (when his graveside ceremony was held) and send positive loving energy out into the world. Would be neat if everyone did the very same thing. The idea behind this blog will be to just journal a bit every day online. I already write quite a bit every morning, but do not do the online thing until I get home from work. Morning focus is COFFEE! So, worked out, added a pic or two..my day is done!


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