working for the weekend

well, been at work since 8am... 30 more minutes to go and a whopping 6 customers and NO phone calls. And I get PAID for this... Hurrah! I've cleaned the dashboard of the car I repo'd from my 18 yr old son (with many mutterings on his part, I tell ya!). I've made a macrame choker as a gift for David's daughter. And I've gesso'd the board book for Mandalin's RR on FairyTales.. unfortunately I have not actually started to work on my inside spreads yet, all I have done is prepped the book and covered the outside. Sigh. This book has to leave my hands Monday... need to get WAY motivated here! Good news is that I finished the Haiku, Blue & White & Mandala swaps and packaged for mailing last night. So, this weekend will be for the BOOK only. Still owe 1 ATC swap but is not due until by July 30th. Got Pamela H's "Create with Clay" entry last night. She also enclosed a set of 5 ATCs...1 for each of her cats! We'd been emailing back and forth our 'rescue kitty' stories. What a surprise that was... so I will do the same for her with my 5 rescues... Abigale, Buoy, Callie, Snow, and Edgar. Those will go to her along with her Clay returns.


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